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endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ jQuery.easing.jswing=jQuery.easing.swing;jQuery.extend(jQuery.easing,{def:"easeOutQuad",swing:function(e,f,a,h,g){return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](e,f,a,h,g)},easeInQuad:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*(f/=g)*f+a},easeOutQuad:function(e,f,a,h,g){return -h*(f/=g)*(f-2)+a},easeInOutQuad:function(e,f,a,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*f*f+a}return -h/2*((--f)*(f-2)-1)+a},easeInCubic:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*(f/=g)*f*f+a},easeOutCubic:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*((f=f/g-1)*f*f+1)+a},easeInOutCubic:function(e,f,a,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*f*f*f+a}return h/2*((f-=2)*f*f+2)+a},easeInQuart:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*(f/=g)*f*f*f+a},easeOutQuart:function(e,f,a,h,g){return -h*((f=f/g-1)*f*f*f-1)+a},easeInOutQuart:function(e,f,a,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*f*f*f*f+a}return -h/2*((f-=2)*f*f*f-2)+a},easeInQuint:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*(f/=g)*f*f*f*f+a},easeOutQuint:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*((f=f/g-1)*f*f*f*f+1)+a},easeInOutQuint:function(e,f,a,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*f*f*f*f*f+a}return h/2*((f-=2)*f*f*f*f+2)+a},easeInSine:function(e,f,a,h,g){return -h*Math.cos(f/g*(Math.PI/2))+h+a},easeOutSine:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*Math.sin(f/g*(Math.PI/2))+a},easeInOutSine:function(e,f,a,h,g){return -h/2*(Math.cos(Math.PI*f/g)-1)+a},easeInExpo:function(e,f,a,h,g){return(f==0)?a:h*Math.pow(2,10*(f/g-1))+a},easeOutExpo:function(e,f,a,h,g){return(f==g)?a+h:h*(-Math.pow(2,-10*f/g)+1)+a},easeInOutExpo:function(e,f,a,h,g){if(f==0){return a}if(f==g){return a+h}if((f/=g/2)<1){return h/2*Math.pow(2,10*(f-1))+a}return h/2*(-Math.pow(2,-10*--f)+2)+a},easeInCirc:function(e,f,a,h,g){return -h*(Math.sqrt(1-(f/=g)*f)-1)+a},easeOutCirc:function(e,f,a,h,g){return h*Math.sqrt(1-(f=f/g-1)*f)+a},easeInOutCirc:function(e,f,a,h,g){if((f/=g/2)<1){return -h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-f*f)-1)+a}return h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-(f-=2)*f)+1)+a},easeInElastic:function(f,h,e,l,k){var i=1.70158;var j=0;var g=l;if(h==0){return e}if((h/=k)==1){return e+l}if(!j){j=k*0.3}if(g https://raphaelschmitz.com/wp-content/plugins/laytheme-lightbox/frontend_assets/js/vendor/iscroll.js?ver=1.3.5 /*! iScroll v5.1.3 ~ (c) 2008-2014 Matteo Spinelli ~ http://cubiq.org/license */ (function (window, document, Math) { var rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; var utils = (function () { var me = {}; var _elementStyle = document.createElement('div').style; var _vendor = (function () { var vendors = ['t', 'webkitT', 'MozT', 'msT', 'OT'], transform, i = 0, l = vendors.length; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { transform = vendors[i] + 'ransform'; if ( transform in _elementStyle ) return vendors[i].substr(0, vendors[i].length-1); } return false; })(); function _prefixStyle (style) { if ( _vendor === false ) return false; if ( _vendor === '' ) return style; return _vendor + style.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + style.substr(1); } me.getTime = Date.now || function getTime () { return new Date().getTime(); }; me.extend = function (target, obj) { for ( var i in obj ) { target[i] = obj[i]; } }; me.addEvent = function (el, type, fn, capture) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, !!capture); }; me.removeEvent = function (el, type, fn, capture) { el.removeEventListener(type, fn, !!capture); }; me.prefixPointerEvent = function (pointerEvent) { return window.MSPointerEvent ? 'MSPointer' + pointerEvent.charAt(9).toUpperCase() + pointerEvent.substr(10): pointerEvent; }; me.momentum = function (current, start, time, lowerMargin, wrapperSize, deceleration) { var distance = current - start, speed = Math.abs(distance) / time, destination, duration; deceleration = deceleration === undefined ? 0.0006 : deceleration; destination = current + ( speed * speed ) / ( 2 * deceleration ) * ( distance < 0 ? -1 : 1 ); duration = speed / deceleration; if ( destination < lowerMargin ) { destination = wrapperSize ? lowerMargin - ( wrapperSize / 2.5 * ( speed / 8 ) ) : lowerMargin; distance = Math.abs(destination - current); duration = distance / speed; } else if ( destination > 0 ) { destination = wrapperSize ? wrapperSize / 2.5 * ( speed / 8 ) : 0; distance = Math.abs(current) + destination; duration = distance / speed; } return { destination: Math.round(destination), duration: duration }; }; var _transform = _prefixStyle('transform'); me.extend(me, { hasTransform: _transform !== false, hasPerspective: _prefixStyle('perspective') in _elementStyle, hasTouch: 'ontouchstart' in window, hasPointer: window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent, // IE10 is prefixed hasTransition: _prefixStyle('transition') in _elementStyle }); // This should find all Android browsers lower than build 535.19 (both stock browser and webview) me.isBadAndroid = /Android /.test(window.navigator.appVersion) && !(/Chrome\/\d/.test(window.navigator.appVersion)); me.extend(me.style = {}, { transform: _transform, transitionTimingFunction: _prefixStyle('transitionTimingFunction'), transitionDuration: _prefixStyle('transitionDuration'), transitionDelay: _prefixStyle('transitionDelay'), transformOrigin: _prefixStyle('transformOrigin') }); me.hasClass = function (e, c) { var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + c + "(\\s|$)"); return re.test(e.className); }; me.addClass = function (e, c) { if ( me.hasClass(e, c) ) { return; } var newclass = e.className.split(' '); newclass.push(c); e.className = newclass.join(' '); }; me.removeClass = function (e, c) { if ( !me.hasClass(e, c) ) { return; } var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + c + "(\\s|$)", 'g'); e.className = e.className.replace(re, ' '); }; me.offset = function (el) { var left = -el.offsetLeft, top = -el.offsetTop; // jshint -W084 while (el = el.offsetParent) { left -= el.offsetLeft; top -= el.offsetTop; } // jshint +W084 return { left: left, top: top }; }; me.preventDefaultException = function (el, exceptions) { for ( var i in exceptions ) { if ( exceptions[i].test(el[i]) ) { return true; } } return false; }; me.extend(me.eventType = {}, { touchstart: 1, touchmove: 1, touchend: 1, mousedown: 2, mousemove: 2, mouseup: 2, pointerdown: 3, pointermove: 3, pointerup: 3, MSPointerDown: 3, MSPointerMove: 3, MSPointerUp: 3 }); me.extend(me.ease = {}, { quadratic: { style: 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)', fn: function (k) { return k * ( 2 - k ); } }, circular: { style: 'cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.57, 0.1, 1)', // Not properly "circular" but this looks better, it should be (0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1) fn: function (k) { return Math.sqrt( 1 - ( --k * k ) ); } }, back: { style: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)', fn: function (k) { var b = 4; return ( k = k - 1 ) * k * ( ( b + 1 ) * k + b ) + 1; } }, bounce: { style: '', fn: function (k) { if ( ( k /= 1 ) < ( 1 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * k * k; } else if ( k < ( 2 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 1.5 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.75; } else if ( k < ( 2.5 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 2.25 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.9375; } else { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 2.625 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.984375; } } }, elastic: { style: '', fn: function (k) { var f = 0.22, e = 0.4; if ( k === 0 ) { return 0; } if ( k == 1 ) { return 1; } return ( e * Math.pow( 2, - 10 * k ) * Math.sin( ( k - f / 4 ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / f ) + 1 ); } } }); me.tap = function (e, eventName) { var ev = document.createEvent('Event'); ev.initEvent(eventName, true, true); ev.pageX = e.pageX; ev.pageY = e.pageY; e.target.dispatchEvent(ev); }; me.click = function (e) { var target = e.target, ev; if ( !(/(SELECT|INPUT|TEXTAREA)/i).test(target.tagName) ) { ev = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); ev.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, e.view, 1, target.screenX, target.screenY, target.clientX, target.clientY, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, 0, null); ev._constructed = true; target.dispatchEvent(ev); } }; return me; })(); function IScroll (el, options) { this.wrapper = typeof el == 'string' ? document.querySelector(el) : el; this.scroller = this.wrapper.children[0]; this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller.style; // cache style for better performance this.options = { resizeScrollbars: true, mouseWheelSpeed: 20, snapThreshold: 0.334, // INSERT POINT: OPTIONS startX: 0, startY: 0, scrollY: true, directionLockThreshold: 5, momentum: true, bounce: true, bounceTime: 600, bounceEasing: '', preventDefault: true, preventDefaultException: { tagName: /^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT)$/ }, HWCompositing: true, useTransition: true, useTransform: true }; for ( var i in options ) { this.options[i] = options[i]; } // Normalize options this.translateZ = this.options.HWCompositing && utils.hasPerspective ? ' translateZ(0)' : ''; this.options.useTransition = utils.hasTransition && this.options.useTransition; this.options.useTransform = utils.hasTransform && this.options.useTransform; this.options.eventPassthrough = this.options.eventPassthrough === true ? 'vertical' : this.options.eventPassthrough; this.options.preventDefault = !this.options.eventPassthrough && this.options.preventDefault; // If you want eventPassthrough I have to lock one of the axes this.options.scrollY = this.options.eventPassthrough == 'vertical' ? false : this.options.scrollY; this.options.scrollX = this.options.eventPassthrough == 'horizontal' ? false : this.options.scrollX; // With eventPassthrough we also need lockDirection mechanism this.options.freeScroll = this.options.freeScroll && !this.options.eventPassthrough; this.options.directionLockThreshold = this.options.eventPassthrough ? 0 : this.options.directionLockThreshold; this.options.bounceEasing = typeof this.options.bounceEasing == 'string' ? utils.ease[this.options.bounceEasing] || utils.ease.circular : this.options.bounceEasing; this.options.resizePolling = this.options.resizePolling === undefined ? 60 : this.options.resizePolling; if ( this.options.tap === true ) { this.options.tap = 'tap'; } if ( this.options.shrinkScrollbars == 'scale' ) { this.options.useTransition = false; } this.options.invertWheelDirection = this.options.invertWheelDirection ? -1 : 1; // INSERT POINT: NORMALIZATION // Some defaults this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.directionX = 0; this.directionY = 0; this._events = {}; // INSERT POINT: DEFAULTS this._init(); this.refresh(); this.scrollTo(this.options.startX, this.options.startY); this.enable(); } IScroll.prototype = { version: '5.1.3', _init: function () { this._initEvents(); if ( this.options.scrollbars || this.options.indicators ) { this._initIndicators(); } if ( this.options.mouseWheel ) { this._initWheel(); } if ( this.options.snap ) { this._initSnap(); } if ( this.options.keyBindings ) { this._initKeys(); } // INSERT POINT: _init }, destroy: function () { this._initEvents(true); this._execEvent('destroy'); }, _transitionEnd: function (e) { if ( e.target != this.scroller || !this.isInTransition ) { return; } this._transitionTime(); if ( !this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime) ) { this.isInTransition = false; this._execEvent('scrollEnd'); } }, _start: function (e) { // React to left mouse button only if ( utils.eventType[e.type] != 1 ) { if ( e.button !== 0 ) { return; } } if ( !this.enabled || (this.initiated && utils.eventType[e.type] !== this.initiated) ) { return; } if ( this.options.preventDefault && !utils.isBadAndroid && !utils.preventDefaultException(e.target, this.options.preventDefaultException) ) { e.preventDefault(); } var point = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e, pos; this.initiated = utils.eventType[e.type]; this.moved = false; this.distX = 0; this.distY = 0; this.directionX = 0; this.directionY = 0; this.directionLocked = 0; this._transitionTime(); this.startTime = utils.getTime(); if ( this.options.useTransition && this.isInTransition ) { this.isInTransition = false; pos = this.getComputedPosition(); this._translate(Math.round(pos.x), Math.round(pos.y)); this._execEvent('scrollEnd'); } else if ( !this.options.useTransition && this.isAnimating ) { this.isAnimating = false; this._execEvent('scrollEnd'); } this.startX = this.x; this.startY = this.y; this.absStartX = this.x; this.absStartY = this.y; this.pointX = point.pageX; this.pointY = point.pageY; this._execEvent('beforeScrollStart'); }, _move: function (e) { if ( !this.enabled || utils.eventType[e.type] !== this.initiated ) { return; } if ( this.options.preventDefault ) { // increases performance on Android? TODO: check! e.preventDefault(); } var point = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e, deltaX = point.pageX - this.pointX, deltaY = point.pageY - this.pointY, timestamp = utils.getTime(), newX, newY, absDistX, absDistY; this.pointX = point.pageX; this.pointY = point.pageY; this.distX += deltaX; this.distY += deltaY; absDistX = Math.abs(this.distX); absDistY = Math.abs(this.distY); // We need to move at least 10 pixels for the scrolling to initiate if ( timestamp - this.endTime > 300 && (absDistX < 10 && absDistY < 10) ) { return; } // If you are scrolling in one direction lock the other if ( !this.directionLocked && !this.options.freeScroll ) { if ( absDistX > absDistY + this.options.directionLockThreshold ) { this.directionLocked = 'h'; // lock horizontally } else if ( absDistY >= absDistX + this.options.directionLockThreshold ) { this.directionLocked = 'v'; // lock vertically } else { this.directionLocked = 'n'; // no lock } } if ( this.directionLocked == 'h' ) { if ( this.options.eventPassthrough == 'vertical' ) { e.preventDefault(); } else if ( this.options.eventPassthrough == 'horizontal' ) { this.initiated = false; return; } deltaY = 0; } else if ( this.directionLocked == 'v' ) { if ( this.options.eventPassthrough == 'horizontal' ) { e.preventDefault(); } else if ( this.options.eventPassthrough == 'vertical' ) { this.initiated = false; return; } deltaX = 0; } deltaX = this.hasHorizontalScroll ? deltaX : 0; deltaY = this.hasVerticalScroll ? deltaY : 0; newX = this.x + deltaX; newY = this.y + deltaY; // Slow down if outside of the boundaries if ( newX > 0 || newX < this.maxScrollX ) { newX = this.options.bounce ? this.x + deltaX / 3 : newX > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScrollX; } if ( newY > 0 || newY < this.maxScrollY ) { newY = this.options.bounce ? this.y + deltaY / 3 : newY > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScrollY; } this.directionX = deltaX > 0 ? -1 : deltaX < 0 ? 1 : 0; this.directionY = deltaY > 0 ? -1 : deltaY < 0 ? 1 : 0; if ( !this.moved ) { this._execEvent('scrollStart'); } this.moved = true; this._translate(newX, newY); /* REPLACE START: _move */ if ( timestamp - this.startTime > 300 ) { this.startTime = timestamp; this.startX = this.x; this.startY = this.y; } /* REPLACE END: _move */ }, _end: function (e) { if ( !this.enabled || utils.eventType[e.type] !== this.initiated ) { return; } if ( this.options.preventDefault && !utils.preventDefaultException(e.target, this.options.preventDefaultException) ) { e.preventDefault(); } var point = e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e, momentumX, momentumY, duration = utils.getTime() - this.startTime, newX = Math.round(this.x), newY = Math.round(this.y), distanceX = Math.abs(newX - this.startX), distanceY = Math.abs(newY - this.startY), time = 0, easing = ''; this.isInTransition = 0; this.initiated = 0; this.endTime = utils.getTime(); // reset if we are outside of the boundaries if ( this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime) ) { return; } this.scrollTo(newX, newY); // ensures that the last position is rounded // we scrolled less than 10 pixels if ( !this.moved ) { if ( this.options.tap ) { utils.tap(e, this.options.tap); } if ( this.options.click ) { utils.click(e); } this._execEvent('scrollCancel'); return; } if ( this._events.flick && duration < 200 && distanceX < 100 && distanceY < 100 ) { this._execEvent('flick'); return; } // start momentum animation if needed if ( this.options.momentum && duration < 300 ) { momentumX = this.hasHorizontalScroll ? utils.momentum(this.x, this.startX, duration, this.maxScrollX, this.options.bounce ? this.wrapperWidth : 0, this.options.deceleration) : { destination: newX, duration: 0 }; momentumY = this.hasVerticalScroll ? utils.momentum(this.y, this.startY, duration, this.maxScrollY, this.options.bounce ? this.wrapperHeight : 0, this.options.deceleration) : { destination: newY, duration: 0 }; newX = momentumX.destination; newY = momentumY.destination; time = Math.max(momentumX.duration, momentumY.duration); this.isInTransition = 1; } if ( this.options.snap ) { var snap = this._nearestSnap(newX, newY); this.currentPage = snap; time = this.options.snapSpeed || Math.max( Math.max( Math.min(Math.abs(newX - snap.x), 1000), Math.min(Math.abs(newY - snap.y), 1000) ), 300); newX = snap.x; newY = snap.y; this.directionX = 0; this.directionY = 0; easing = this.options.bounceEasing; } // INSERT POINT: _end if ( newX != this.x || newY != this.y ) { // change easing function when scroller goes out of the boundaries if ( newX > 0 || newX < this.maxScrollX || newY > 0 || newY < this.maxScrollY ) { easing = utils.ease.quadratic; } this.scrollTo(newX, newY, time, easing); return; } this._execEvent('scrollEnd'); }, _resize: function () { var that = this; clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout); this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { that.refresh(); }, this.options.resizePolling); }, resetPosition: function (time) { var x = this.x, y = this.y; time = time || 0; if ( !this.hasHorizontalScroll || this.x > 0 ) { x = 0; } else if ( this.x < this.maxScrollX ) { x = this.maxScrollX; } if ( !this.hasVerticalScroll || this.y > 0 ) { y = 0; } else if ( this.y < this.maxScrollY ) { y = this.maxScrollY; } if ( x == this.x && y == this.y ) { return false; } this.scrollTo(x, y, time, this.options.bounceEasing); return true; }, disable: function () { this.enabled = false; }, enable: function () { this.enabled = true; }, refresh: function () { var rf = this.wrapper.offsetHeight; // Force reflow this.wrapperWidth = this.wrapper.clientWidth; this.wrapperHeight = this.wrapper.clientHeight; /* REPLACE START: refresh */ this.scrollerWidth = this.scroller.offsetWidth; this.scrollerHeight = this.scroller.offsetHeight; this.maxScrollX = this.wrapperWidth - this.scrollerWidth; this.maxScrollY = this.wrapperHeight - this.scrollerHeight; /* REPLACE END: refresh */ this.hasHorizontalScroll = this.options.scrollX && this.maxScrollX < 0; this.hasVerticalScroll = this.options.scrollY && this.maxScrollY < 0; if ( !this.hasHorizontalScroll ) { this.maxScrollX = 0; this.scrollerWidth = this.wrapperWidth; } if ( !this.hasVerticalScroll ) { this.maxScrollY = 0; this.scrollerHeight = this.wrapperHeight; } this.endTime = 0; this.directionX = 0; this.directionY = 0; this.wrapperOffset = utils.offset(this.wrapper); this._execEvent('refresh'); this.resetPosition(); // INSERT POINT: _refresh }, on: function (type, fn) { if ( !this._events[type] ) { this._events[type] = []; } this._events[type].push(fn); }, off: function (type, fn) { if ( !this._events[type] ) { return; } var index = this._events[type].indexOf(fn); if ( index > -1 ) { this._events[type].splice(index, 1); } }, _execEvent: function (type) { if ( !this._events[type] ) { return; } var i = 0, l = this._events[type].length; if ( !l ) { return; } for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { this._events[type][i].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); } }, scrollBy: function (x, y, time, easing) { x = this.x + x; y = this.y + y; time = time || 0; this.scrollTo(x, y, time, easing); }, scrollTo: function (x, y, time, easing) { easing = easing || utils.ease.circular; this.isInTransition = this.options.useTransition && time > 0; if ( !time || (this.options.useTransition && easing.style) ) { this._transitionTimingFunction(easing.style); this._transitionTime(time); this._translate(x, y); } else { this._animate(x, y, time, easing.fn); } }, scrollToElement: function (el, time, offsetX, offsetY, easing) { el = el.nodeType ? el : this.scroller.querySelector(el); if ( !el ) { return; } var pos = utils.offset(el); pos.left -= this.wrapperOffset.left; pos.top -= this.wrapperOffset.top; // if offsetX/Y are true we center the element to the screen if ( offsetX === true ) { offsetX = Math.round(el.offsetWidth / 2 - this.wrapper.offsetWidth / 2); } if ( offsetY === true ) { offsetY = Math.round(el.offsetHeight / 2 - this.wrapper.offsetHeight / 2); } pos.left -= offsetX || 0; pos.top -= offsetY || 0; pos.left = pos.left > 0 ? 0 : pos.left < this.maxScrollX ? this.maxScrollX : pos.left; pos.top = pos.top > 0 ? 0 : pos.top < this.maxScrollY ? this.maxScrollY : pos.top; time = time === undefined || time === null || time === 'auto' ? Math.max(Math.abs(this.x-pos.left), Math.abs(this.y-pos.top)) : time; this.scrollTo(pos.left, pos.top, time, easing); }, _transitionTime: function (time) { time = time || 0; this.scrollerStyle[utils.style.transitionDuration] = time + 'ms'; if ( !time && utils.isBadAndroid ) { this.scrollerStyle[utils.style.transitionDuration] = '0.001s'; } if ( this.indicators ) { for ( var i = this.indicators.length; i--; ) { this.indicators[i].transitionTime(time); } } // INSERT POINT: _transitionTime }, _transitionTimingFunction: function (easing) { this.scrollerStyle[utils.style.transitionTimingFunction] = easing; if ( this.indicators ) { for ( var i = this.indicators.length; i--; ) { this.indicators[i].transitionTimingFunction(easing); } } // INSERT POINT: _transitionTimingFunction }, _translate: function (x, y) { if ( this.options.useTransform ) { /* REPLACE START: _translate */ this.scrollerStyle[utils.style.transform] = 'translate(' + x + 'px,' + y + 'px)' + this.translateZ; /* REPLACE END: _translate */ } else { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); this.scrollerStyle.left = x + 'px'; this.scrollerStyle.top = y + 'px'; } this.x = x; this.y = y; if ( this.indicators ) { for ( var i = this.indicators.length; i--; ) { this.indicators[i].updatePosition(); } } // INSERT POINT: _translate }, _initEvents: function (remove) { var eventType = remove ? utils.removeEvent : utils.addEvent, target = this.options.bindToWrapper ? this.wrapper : window; eventType(window, 'orientationchange', this); eventType(window, 'resize', this); if ( this.options.click ) { eventType(this.wrapper, 'click', this, true); } if ( !this.options.disableMouse ) { eventType(this.wrapper, 'mousedown', this); eventType(target, 'mousemove', this); eventType(target, 'mousecancel', this); eventType(target, 'mouseup', this); } if ( utils.hasPointer && !this.options.disablePointer ) { eventType(this.wrapper, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointerdown'), this); eventType(target, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointermove'), this); eventType(target, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointercancel'), this); eventType(target, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointerup'), this); } if ( utils.hasTouch && !this.options.disableTouch ) { eventType(this.wrapper, 'touchstart', this); eventType(target, 'touchmove', this); eventType(target, 'touchcancel', this); eventType(target, 'touchend', this); } eventType(this.scroller, 'transitionend', this); eventType(this.scroller, 'webkitTransitionEnd', this); eventType(this.scroller, 'oTransitionEnd', this); eventType(this.scroller, 'MSTransitionEnd', this); }, getComputedPosition: function () { var matrix = window.getComputedStyle(this.scroller, null), x, y; if ( this.options.useTransform ) { matrix = matrix[utils.style.transform].split(')')[0].split(', '); x = +(matrix[12] || matrix[4]); y = +(matrix[13] || matrix[5]); } else { x = +matrix.left.replace(/[^-\d.]/g, ''); y = +matrix.top.replace(/[^-\d.]/g, ''); } return { x: x, y: y }; }, _initIndicators: function () { var interactive = this.options.interactiveScrollbars, customStyle = typeof this.options.scrollbars != 'string', indicators = [], indicator; var that = this; this.indicators = []; if ( this.options.scrollbars ) { // Vertical scrollbar if ( this.options.scrollY ) { indicator = { el: createDefaultScrollbar('v', interactive, this.options.scrollbars), interactive: interactive, defaultScrollbars: true, customStyle: customStyle, resize: this.options.resizeScrollbars, shrink: this.options.shrinkScrollbars, fade: this.options.fadeScrollbars, listenX: false }; this.wrapper.appendChild(indicator.el); indicators.push(indicator); } // Horizontal scrollbar if ( this.options.scrollX ) { indicator = { el: createDefaultScrollbar('h', interactive, this.options.scrollbars), interactive: interactive, defaultScrollbars: true, customStyle: customStyle, resize: this.options.resizeScrollbars, shrink: this.options.shrinkScrollbars, fade: this.options.fadeScrollbars, listenY: false }; this.wrapper.appendChild(indicator.el); indicators.push(indicator); } } if ( this.options.indicators ) { // TODO: check concat compatibility indicators = indicators.concat(this.options.indicators); } for ( var i = indicators.length; i--; ) { this.indicators.push( new Indicator(this, indicators[i]) ); } // TODO: check if we can use array.map (wide compatibility and performance issues) function _indicatorsMap (fn) { for ( var i = that.indicators.length; i--; ) { fn.call(that.indicators[i]); } } if ( this.options.fadeScrollbars ) { this.on('scrollEnd', function () { _indicatorsMap(function () { this.fade(); }); }); this.on('scrollCancel', function () { _indicatorsMap(function () { this.fade(); }); }); this.on('scrollStart', function () { _indicatorsMap(function () { this.fade(1); }); }); this.on('beforeScrollStart', function () { _indicatorsMap(function () { this.fade(1, true); }); }); } this.on('refresh', function () { _indicatorsMap(function () { this.refresh(); }); }); this.on('destroy', function () { _indicatorsMap(function () { this.destroy(); }); delete this.indicators; }); }, _initWheel: function () { utils.addEvent(this.wrapper, 'wheel', this); utils.addEvent(this.wrapper, 'mousewheel', this); utils.addEvent(this.wrapper, 'DOMMouseScroll', this); this.on('destroy', function () { utils.removeEvent(this.wrapper, 'wheel', this); utils.removeEvent(this.wrapper, 'mousewheel', this); utils.removeEvent(this.wrapper, 'DOMMouseScroll', this); }); }, _wheel: function (e) { if ( !this.enabled ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, newX, newY, that = this; if ( this.wheelTimeout === undefined ) { that._execEvent('scrollStart'); } // Execute the scrollEnd event after 400ms the wheel stopped scrolling clearTimeout(this.wheelTimeout); this.wheelTimeout = setTimeout(function () { that._execEvent('scrollEnd'); that.wheelTimeout = undefined; }, 400); if ( 'deltaX' in e ) { if (e.deltaMode === 1) { wheelDeltaX = -e.deltaX * this.options.mouseWheelSpeed; wheelDeltaY = -e.deltaY * this.options.mouseWheelSpeed; } else { wheelDeltaX = -e.deltaX; wheelDeltaY = -e.deltaY; } } else if ( 'wheelDeltaX' in e ) { wheelDeltaX = e.wheelDeltaX / 120 * this.options.mouseWheelSpeed; wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDeltaY / 120 * this.options.mouseWheelSpeed; } else if ( 'wheelDelta' in e ) { wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta / 120 * this.options.mouseWheelSpeed; } else if ( 'detail' in e ) { wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = -e.detail / 3 * this.options.mouseWheelSpeed; } else { return; } wheelDeltaX *= this.options.invertWheelDirection; wheelDeltaY *= this.options.invertWheelDirection; if ( !this.hasVerticalScroll ) { wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY; wheelDeltaY = 0; } if ( this.options.snap ) { newX = this.currentPage.pageX; newY = this.currentPage.pageY; if ( wheelDeltaX > 0 ) { newX--; } else if ( wheelDeltaX < 0 ) { newX++; } if ( wheelDeltaY > 0 ) { newY--; } else if ( wheelDeltaY < 0 ) { newY++; } this.goToPage(newX, newY); return; } newX = this.x + Math.round(this.hasHorizontalScroll ? wheelDeltaX : 0); newY = this.y + Math.round(this.hasVerticalScroll ? wheelDeltaY : 0); if ( newX > 0 ) { newX = 0; } else if ( newX < this.maxScrollX ) { newX = this.maxScrollX; } if ( newY > 0 ) { newY = 0; } else if ( newY < this.maxScrollY ) { newY = this.maxScrollY; } this.scrollTo(newX, newY, 0); // INSERT POINT: _wheel }, _initSnap: function () { this.currentPage = {}; if ( typeof this.options.snap == 'string' ) { this.options.snap = this.scroller.querySelectorAll(this.options.snap); } this.on('refresh', function () { var i = 0, l, m = 0, n, cx, cy, x = 0, y, stepX = this.options.snapStepX || this.wrapperWidth, stepY = this.options.snapStepY || this.wrapperHeight, el; this.pages = []; if ( !this.wrapperWidth || !this.wrapperHeight || !this.scrollerWidth || !this.scrollerHeight ) { return; } if ( this.options.snap === true ) { cx = Math.round( stepX / 2 ); cy = Math.round( stepY / 2 ); while ( x > -this.scrollerWidth ) { this.pages[i] = []; l = 0; y = 0; while ( y > -this.scrollerHeight ) { this.pages[i][l] = { x: Math.max(x, this.maxScrollX), y: Math.max(y, this.maxScrollY), width: stepX, height: stepY, cx: x - cx, cy: y - cy }; y -= stepY; l++; } x -= stepX; i++; } } else { el = this.options.snap; l = el.length; n = -1; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { if ( i === 0 || el[i].offsetLeft <= el[i-1].offsetLeft ) { m = 0; n++; } if ( !this.pages[m] ) { this.pages[m] = []; } x = Math.max(-el[i].offsetLeft, this.maxScrollX); y = Math.max(-el[i].offsetTop, this.maxScrollY); cx = x - Math.round(el[i].offsetWidth / 2); cy = y - Math.round(el[i].offsetHeight / 2); this.pages[m][n] = { x: x, y: y, width: el[i].offsetWidth, height: el[i].offsetHeight, cx: cx, cy: cy }; if ( x > this.maxScrollX ) { m++; } } } this.goToPage(this.currentPage.pageX || 0, this.currentPage.pageY || 0, 0); // Update snap threshold if needed if ( this.options.snapThreshold % 1 === 0 ) { this.snapThresholdX = this.options.snapThreshold; this.snapThresholdY = this.options.snapThreshold; } else { this.snapThresholdX = Math.round(this.pages[this.currentPage.pageX][this.currentPage.pageY].width * this.options.snapThreshold); this.snapThresholdY = Math.round(this.pages[this.currentPage.pageX][this.currentPage.pageY].height * this.options.snapThreshold); } }); this.on('flick', function () { var time = this.options.snapSpeed || Math.max( Math.max( Math.min(Math.abs(this.x - this.startX), 1000), Math.min(Math.abs(this.y - this.startY), 1000) ), 300); this.goToPage( this.currentPage.pageX + this.directionX, this.currentPage.pageY + this.directionY, time ); }); }, _nearestSnap: function (x, y) { if ( !this.pages.length ) { return { x: 0, y: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }; } var i = 0, l = this.pages.length, m = 0; // Check if we exceeded the snap threshold if ( Math.abs(x - this.absStartX) < this.snapThresholdX && Math.abs(y - this.absStartY) < this.snapThresholdY ) { return this.currentPage; } if ( x > 0 ) { x = 0; } else if ( x < this.maxScrollX ) { x = this.maxScrollX; } if ( y > 0 ) { y = 0; } else if ( y < this.maxScrollY ) { y = this.maxScrollY; } for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { if ( x >= this.pages[i][0].cx ) { x = this.pages[i][0].x; break; } } l = this.pages[i].length; for ( ; m < l; m++ ) { if ( y >= this.pages[0][m].cy ) { y = this.pages[0][m].y; break; } } if ( i == this.currentPage.pageX ) { i += this.directionX; if ( i < 0 ) { i = 0; } else if ( i >= this.pages.length ) { i = this.pages.length - 1; } x = this.pages[i][0].x; } if ( m == this.currentPage.pageY ) { m += this.directionY; if ( m < 0 ) { m = 0; } else if ( m >= this.pages[0].length ) { m = this.pages[0].length - 1; } y = this.pages[0][m].y; } return { x: x, y: y, pageX: i, pageY: m }; }, goToPage: function (x, y, time, easing) { easing = easing || this.options.bounceEasing; if ( x >= this.pages.length ) { x = this.pages.length - 1; } else if ( x < 0 ) { x = 0; } if ( y >= this.pages[x].length ) { y = this.pages[x].length - 1; } else if ( y < 0 ) { y = 0; } var posX = this.pages[x][y].x, posY = this.pages[x][y].y; time = time === undefined ? this.options.snapSpeed || Math.max( Math.max( Math.min(Math.abs(posX - this.x), 1000), Math.min(Math.abs(posY - this.y), 1000) ), 300) : time; this.currentPage = { x: posX, y: posY, pageX: x, pageY: y }; this.scrollTo(posX, posY, time, easing); }, next: function (time, easing) { var x = this.currentPage.pageX, y = this.currentPage.pageY; x++; if ( x >= this.pages.length && this.hasVerticalScroll ) { x = 0; y++; } this.goToPage(x, y, time, easing); }, prev: function (time, easing) { var x = this.currentPage.pageX, y = this.currentPage.pageY; x--; if ( x < 0 && this.hasVerticalScroll ) { x = 0; y--; } this.goToPage(x, y, time, easing); }, _initKeys: function (e) { // default key bindings var keys = { pageUp: 33, pageDown: 34, end: 35, home: 36, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40 }; var i; // if you give me characters I give you keycode if ( typeof this.options.keyBindings == 'object' ) { for ( i in this.options.keyBindings ) { if ( typeof this.options.keyBindings[i] == 'string' ) { this.options.keyBindings[i] = this.options.keyBindings[i].toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); } } } else { this.options.keyBindings = {}; } for ( i in keys ) { this.options.keyBindings[i] = this.options.keyBindings[i] || keys[i]; } utils.addEvent(window, 'keydown', this); this.on('destroy', function () { utils.removeEvent(window, 'keydown', this); }); }, _key: function (e) { if ( !this.enabled ) { return; } var snap = this.options.snap, // we are using this alot, better to cache it newX = snap ? this.currentPage.pageX : this.x, newY = snap ? this.currentPage.pageY : this.y, now = utils.getTime(), prevTime = this.keyTime || 0, acceleration = 0.250, pos; if ( this.options.useTransition && this.isInTransition ) { pos = this.getComputedPosition(); this._translate(Math.round(pos.x), Math.round(pos.y)); this.isInTransition = false; } this.keyAcceleration = now - prevTime < 200 ? Math.min(this.keyAcceleration + acceleration, 50) : 0; switch ( e.keyCode ) { case this.options.keyBindings.pageUp: if ( this.hasHorizontalScroll && !this.hasVerticalScroll ) { newX += snap ? 1 : this.wrapperWidth; } else { newY += snap ? 1 : this.wrapperHeight; } break; case this.options.keyBindings.pageDown: if ( this.hasHorizontalScroll && !this.hasVerticalScroll ) { newX -= snap ? 1 : this.wrapperWidth; } else { newY -= snap ? 1 : this.wrapperHeight; } break; case this.options.keyBindings.end: newX = snap ? this.pages.length-1 : this.maxScrollX; newY = snap ? this.pages[0].length-1 : this.maxScrollY; break; case this.options.keyBindings.home: newX = 0; newY = 0; break; case this.options.keyBindings.left: newX += snap ? -1 : 5 + this.keyAcceleration>>0; break; case this.options.keyBindings.up: newY += snap ? 1 : 5 + this.keyAcceleration>>0; break; case this.options.keyBindings.right: newX -= snap ? -1 : 5 + this.keyAcceleration>>0; break; case this.options.keyBindings.down: newY -= snap ? 1 : 5 + this.keyAcceleration>>0; break; default: return; } if ( snap ) { this.goToPage(newX, newY); return; } if ( newX > 0 ) { newX = 0; this.keyAcceleration = 0; } else if ( newX < this.maxScrollX ) { newX = this.maxScrollX; this.keyAcceleration = 0; } if ( newY > 0 ) { newY = 0; this.keyAcceleration = 0; } else if ( newY < this.maxScrollY ) { newY = this.maxScrollY; this.keyAcceleration = 0; } this.scrollTo(newX, newY, 0); this.keyTime = now; }, _animate: function (destX, destY, duration, easingFn) { var that = this, startX = this.x, startY = this.y, startTime = utils.getTime(), destTime = startTime + duration; function step () { var now = utils.getTime(), newX, newY, easing; if ( now >= destTime ) { that.isAnimating = false; that._translate(destX, destY); if ( !that.resetPosition(that.options.bounceTime) ) { that._execEvent('scrollEnd'); } return; } now = ( now - startTime ) / duration; easing = easingFn(now); newX = ( destX - startX ) * easing + startX; newY = ( destY - startY ) * easing + startY; that._translate(newX, newY); if ( that.isAnimating ) { rAF(step); } } this.isAnimating = true; step(); }, handleEvent: function (e) { switch ( e.type ) { case 'touchstart': case 'pointerdown': case 'MSPointerDown': case 'mousedown': this._start(e); break; case 'touchmove': case 'pointermove': case 'MSPointerMove': case 'mousemove': this._move(e); break; case 'touchend': case 'pointerup': case 'MSPointerUp': case 'mouseup': case 'touchcancel': case 'pointercancel': case 'MSPointerCancel': case 'mousecancel': this._end(e); break; case 'orientationchange': case 'resize': this._resize(); break; case 'transitionend': case 'webkitTransitionEnd': case 'oTransitionEnd': case 'MSTransitionEnd': this._transitionEnd(e); break; case 'wheel': case 'DOMMouseScroll': case 'mousewheel': this._wheel(e); break; case 'keydown': this._key(e); break; case 'click': if ( !e._constructed ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } break; } } }; function createDefaultScrollbar (direction, interactive, type) { var scrollbar = document.createElement('div'), indicator = document.createElement('div'); if ( type === true ) { scrollbar.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;z-index:9999'; indicator.style.cssText = '-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;position:absolute;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.9);border-radius:3px'; } indicator.className = 'iScrollIndicator'; if ( direction == 'h' ) { if ( type === true ) { scrollbar.style.cssText += ';height:7px;left:2px;right:2px;bottom:0'; indicator.style.height = '100%'; } scrollbar.className = 'iScrollHorizontalScrollbar'; } else { if ( type === true ) { scrollbar.style.cssText += ';width:7px;bottom:2px;top:2px;right:1px'; indicator.style.width = '100%'; } scrollbar.className = 'iScrollVerticalScrollbar'; } scrollbar.style.cssText += ';overflow:hidden'; if ( !interactive ) { scrollbar.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } scrollbar.appendChild(indicator); return scrollbar; } function Indicator (scroller, options) { this.wrapper = typeof options.el == 'string' ? document.querySelector(options.el) : options.el; this.wrapperStyle = this.wrapper.style; this.indicator = this.wrapper.children[0]; this.indicatorStyle = this.indicator.style; this.scroller = scroller; this.options = { listenX: true, listenY: true, interactive: false, resize: true, defaultScrollbars: false, shrink: false, fade: false, speedRatioX: 0, speedRatioY: 0 }; for ( var i in options ) { this.options[i] = options[i]; } this.sizeRatioX = 1; this.sizeRatioY = 1; this.maxPosX = 0; this.maxPosY = 0; if ( this.options.interactive ) { if ( !this.options.disableTouch ) { utils.addEvent(this.indicator, 'touchstart', this); utils.addEvent(window, 'touchend', this); } if ( !this.options.disablePointer ) { utils.addEvent(this.indicator, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointerdown'), this); utils.addEvent(window, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointerup'), this); } if ( !this.options.disableMouse ) { utils.addEvent(this.indicator, 'mousedown', this); utils.addEvent(window, 'mouseup', this); } } if ( this.options.fade ) { this.wrapperStyle[utils.style.transform] = this.scroller.translateZ; this.wrapperStyle[utils.style.transitionDuration] = utils.isBadAndroid ? '0.001s' : '0ms'; this.wrapperStyle.opacity = '0'; } } Indicator.prototype = { handleEvent: function (e) { switch ( e.type ) { case 'touchstart': case 'pointerdown': case 'MSPointerDown': case 'mousedown': this._start(e); break; case 'touchmove': case 'pointermove': case 'MSPointerMove': case 'mousemove': this._move(e); break; case 'touchend': case 'pointerup': case 'MSPointerUp': case 'mouseup': case 'touchcancel': case 'pointercancel': case 'MSPointerCancel': case 'mousecancel': this._end(e); break; } }, destroy: function () { if ( this.options.interactive ) { utils.removeEvent(this.indicator, 'touchstart', this); utils.removeEvent(this.indicator, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointerdown'), this); utils.removeEvent(this.indicator, 'mousedown', this); utils.removeEvent(window, 'touchmove', this); utils.removeEvent(window, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointermove'), this); utils.removeEvent(window, 'mousemove', this); utils.removeEvent(window, 'touchend', this); utils.removeEvent(window, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointerup'), this); utils.removeEvent(window, 'mouseup', this); } if ( this.options.defaultScrollbars ) { this.wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(this.wrapper); } }, _start: function (e) { var point = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.transitionTime(); this.initiated = true; this.moved = false; this.lastPointX = point.pageX; this.lastPointY = point.pageY; this.startTime = utils.getTime(); if ( !this.options.disableTouch ) { utils.addEvent(window, 'touchmove', this); } if ( !this.options.disablePointer ) { utils.addEvent(window, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointermove'), this); } if ( !this.options.disableMouse ) { utils.addEvent(window, 'mousemove', this); } this.scroller._execEvent('beforeScrollStart'); }, _move: function (e) { var point = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e, deltaX, deltaY, newX, newY, timestamp = utils.getTime(); if ( !this.moved ) { this.scroller._execEvent('scrollStart'); } this.moved = true; deltaX = point.pageX - this.lastPointX; this.lastPointX = point.pageX; deltaY = point.pageY - this.lastPointY; this.lastPointY = point.pageY; newX = this.x + deltaX; newY = this.y + deltaY; this._pos(newX, newY); // INSERT POINT: indicator._move e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, _end: function (e) { if ( !this.initiated ) { return; } this.initiated = false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); utils.removeEvent(window, 'touchmove', this); utils.removeEvent(window, utils.prefixPointerEvent('pointermove'), this); utils.removeEvent(window, 'mousemove', this); if ( this.scroller.options.snap ) { var snap = this.scroller._nearestSnap(this.scroller.x, this.scroller.y); var time = this.options.snapSpeed || Math.max( Math.max( Math.min(Math.abs(this.scroller.x - snap.x), 1000), Math.min(Math.abs(this.scroller.y - snap.y), 1000) ), 300); if ( this.scroller.x != snap.x || this.scroller.y != snap.y ) { this.scroller.directionX = 0; this.scroller.directionY = 0; this.scroller.currentPage = snap; this.scroller.scrollTo(snap.x, snap.y, time, this.scroller.options.bounceEasing); } } if ( this.moved ) { this.scroller._execEvent('scrollEnd'); } }, transitionTime: function (time) { time = time || 0; this.indicatorStyle[utils.style.transitionDuration] = time + 'ms'; if ( !time && utils.isBadAndroid ) { this.indicatorStyle[utils.style.transitionDuration] = '0.001s'; } }, transitionTimingFunction: function (easing) { this.indicatorStyle[utils.style.transitionTimingFunction] = easing; }, refresh: function () { this.transitionTime(); if ( this.options.listenX && !this.options.listenY ) { this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll ? 'block' : 'none'; } else if ( this.options.listenY && !this.options.listenX ) { this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ? 'block' : 'none'; } else { this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll || this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ? 'block' : 'none'; } if ( this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll && this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ) { utils.addClass(this.wrapper, 'iScrollBothScrollbars'); utils.removeClass(this.wrapper, 'iScrollLoneScrollbar'); if ( this.options.defaultScrollbars && this.options.customStyle ) { if ( this.options.listenX ) { this.wrapper.style.right = '8px'; } else { this.wrapper.style.bottom = '8px'; } } } else { utils.removeClass(this.wrapper, 'iScrollBothScrollbars'); utils.addClass(this.wrapper, 'iScrollLoneScrollbar'); if ( this.options.defaultScrollbars && this.options.customStyle ) { if ( this.options.listenX ) { this.wrapper.style.right = '2px'; } else { this.wrapper.style.bottom = '2px'; } } } var r = this.wrapper.offsetHeight; // force refresh if ( this.options.listenX ) { this.wrapperWidth = this.wrapper.clientWidth; if ( this.options.resize ) { this.indicatorWidth = Math.max(Math.round(this.wrapperWidth * this.wrapperWidth / (this.scroller.scrollerWidth || this.wrapperWidth || 1)), 8); this.indicatorStyle.width = this.indicatorWidth + 'px'; } else { this.indicatorWidth = this.indicator.clientWidth; } this.maxPosX = this.wrapperWidth - this.indicatorWidth; if ( this.options.shrink == 'clip' ) { this.minBoundaryX = -this.indicatorWidth + 8; this.maxBoundaryX = this.wrapperWidth - 8; } else { this.minBoundaryX = 0; this.maxBoundaryX = this.maxPosX; } this.sizeRatioX = this.options.speedRatioX || (this.scroller.maxScrollX && (this.maxPosX / this.scroller.maxScrollX)); } if ( this.options.listenY ) { this.wrapperHeight = this.wrapper.clientHeight; if ( this.options.resize ) { this.indicatorHeight = Math.max(Math.round(this.wrapperHeight * this.wrapperHeight / (this.scroller.scrollerHeight || this.wrapperHeight || 1)), 8); this.indicatorStyle.height = this.indicatorHeight + 'px'; } else { this.indicatorHeight = this.indicator.clientHeight; } this.maxPosY = this.wrapperHeight - this.indicatorHeight; if ( this.options.shrink == 'clip' ) { this.minBoundaryY = -this.indicatorHeight + 8; this.maxBoundaryY = this.wrapperHeight - 8; } else { this.minBoundaryY = 0; this.maxBoundaryY = this.maxPosY; } this.maxPosY = this.wrapperHeight - this.indicatorHeight; this.sizeRatioY = this.options.speedRatioY || (this.scroller.maxScrollY && (this.maxPosY / this.scroller.maxScrollY)); } this.updatePosition(); }, updatePosition: function () { var x = this.options.listenX && Math.round(this.sizeRatioX * this.scroller.x) || 0, y = this.options.listenY && Math.round(this.sizeRatioY * this.scroller.y) || 0; if ( !this.options.ignoreBoundaries ) { if ( x < this.minBoundaryX ) { if ( this.options.shrink == 'scale' ) { this.width = Math.max(this.indicatorWidth + x, 8); this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + 'px'; } x = this.minBoundaryX; } else if ( x > this.maxBoundaryX ) { if ( this.options.shrink == 'scale' ) { this.width = Math.max(this.indicatorWidth - (x - this.maxPosX), 8); this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + 'px'; x = this.maxPosX + this.indicatorWidth - this.width; } else { x = this.maxBoundaryX; } } else if ( this.options.shrink == 'scale' && this.width != this.indicatorWidth ) { this.width = this.indicatorWidth; this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + 'px'; } if ( y < this.minBoundaryY ) { if ( this.options.shrink == 'scale' ) { this.height = Math.max(this.indicatorHeight + y * 3, 8); this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + 'px'; } y = this.minBoundaryY; } else if ( y > this.maxBoundaryY ) { if ( this.options.shrink == 'scale' ) { this.height = Math.max(this.indicatorHeight - (y - this.maxPosY) * 3, 8); this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + 'px'; y = this.maxPosY + this.indicatorHeight - this.height; } else { y = this.maxBoundaryY; } } else if ( this.options.shrink == 'scale' && this.height != this.indicatorHeight ) { this.height = this.indicatorHeight; this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + 'px'; } } this.x = x; this.y = y; if ( this.scroller.options.useTransform ) { this.indicatorStyle[utils.style.transform] = 'translate(' + x + 'px,' + y + 'px)' + this.scroller.translateZ; } else { this.indicatorStyle.left = x + 'px'; this.indicatorStyle.top = y + 'px'; } }, _pos: function (x, y) { if ( x < 0 ) { x = 0; } else if ( x > this.maxPosX ) { x = this.maxPosX; } if ( y < 0 ) { y = 0; } else if ( y > this.maxPosY ) { y = this.maxPosY; } x = this.options.listenX ? Math.round(x / this.sizeRatioX) : this.scroller.x; y = this.options.listenY ? Math.round(y / this.sizeRatioY) : this.scroller.y; this.scroller.scrollTo(x, y); }, fade: function (val, hold) { if ( hold && !this.visible ) { return; } clearTimeout(this.fadeTimeout); this.fadeTimeout = null; var time = val ? 250 : 500, delay = val ? 0 : 300; val = val ? '1' : '0'; this.wrapperStyle[utils.style.transitionDuration] = time + 'ms'; this.fadeTimeout = setTimeout((function (val) { this.wrapperStyle.opacity = val; this.visible = +val; }).bind(this, val), delay); } }; IScroll.utils = utils; if ( typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports ) { module.exports = IScroll; } else { window.IScroll = IScroll; } })(window, document, Math);